The logo for lighthouse christian ministries is black and white.


We have a place for you.

No matter what your skills are, there's a need you're able to meet. Whether it's serving or preparing food, mentoring men, women, and children, general maintenance, providing haircuts, or praying with someone during an unfortunate time in their lives. You're an important member of the community and your service matters.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Ephesians 2:10

Every gift is vital.

See each ministry's biggest needs below.

There are many places to serve at Wenatchee Lighthouse. Once you have taken a look at some of our ministry's needs, fill out this form and tell us where you would like to help. If you have a trade, or talent or are just passionate about our work, select "general" ministry and we'll find the best fit for you.

Let us know how you can serve:

A white building with a blue sign that says lighthouse christian ministries


Soup kitchen & Christian ministry where you can help:

  • Prepare Meals
  • Clean Facilities
  • Repair Clothing
A bunch of different types of bread in plastic bags

Free Food Market

A bi-weekly event where you can help:

  • Provide Food
  • Sort/Put Food Away
  • Distribute Food
A group of children smashing a pinata in a park.

Grace House

Transitional housing for single mothers where you can help:

  • Cook & Clean
  • Educate or Mentor
  • Tutor or Babysit
A man is pushing a wheelbarrow in front of a large blue house.

Mission House

A halfway home for men where you can help:

  • Educate or Mentor
  • Lead Sports
  • Cook & Clean

Sign up for our newsletter to get our latest updates and hear about our most important volunteer and donation opportunities.

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